It is a compound that will attack any fungus, virus, bacteria and algae found in our cultivation, it is free of chemical substances so it is totally natural and does not harm plants.
It is composed solely of water, salt and electricity.
It has several uses:
We can use it to kill fungi from our cultivation of plants or water.
It is a great destroyer of algae and bacteria from irrigation tanks.
At the end of a cultivation it is advisable to clean and disinfect the entire area and the materials used for the cultivation well so that we can use them for the new cultivation without problems.
We can also purify the air in the place with it, disinfect it and leave it free of bacteria and viruses.
How to use Purolyt?
Purolyt has several applications:
Spraying: to end fungal attacks on our plants or as a preventive, we can spray the plants directly.
Rubbing: to clean surfaces and other elements of the crop, we can add product and rub with a cloth.
Misting: using the appropriate dose we can mist large rooms to purify the air and leave it free of bacteria and viruses.
Immersion: we can fill a container with purolyt and introduce any growing utensil, immerse it for total disinfection.
Direct addiction: we can add it in its appropriate dose to the irrigation water tank or reservoir to purify and disinfect the water, we will clean it of all bacteria, viruses and algae that it may contain.